Demonstration of the technical feasibility of LIFE CONQUER treatment train which will enable:
Reduction of 11%
of the total water footprint of Murcia city urban irrigation system through the use of 201.480 m3/year of reclaimed water in substitution of potable and groundwater
Reduction of 15%
of total energy consumption in Murcia city urban irrigation system
Reduction of 30%
of the total NaClO consumption thanks to on-site brine valorization (29 tn NaClO/year) at EMUASA facilities (16 WWTPs)
Up to 12%
of the total water demand for non-potable municipal uses of the city will be through regenerated water
Reduction of eutrophication potential
by avoiding the discharge to natural water bodies of 0.49tn of equivalent Nitrogen/year through its recycling in Murcia parks irrigation